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Behaviorally Smart Entrepreneurship White Paper


Are entrepreneurs born or made? Being genetically predisposed towards entrepreneurialism doesn't guarantee that an individual will become one or succeed. It is not just enough to be born with the entrepreneurial gene; you must know how to manage your behaviors, do something with your ideas, and be willing to fail and stand up and go again. Our Behaviorally Smart Entrepreneurship White Paper provides research identifying how entrepreneurs tend to have similarly wired minds, are inclined to depart from established patterns of thinking, and are often charismatic, resilient, and have a risk appetite.


You will learn:

  • The mind and phrenology of an entrepreneur to answer the age-old question, ‘Are entrepreneurs born or made?’
  • The top 5 behavioral traits of entrepreneurs who have started a business of $1m+ turnover
  • The Emotional Quotient (EQ) of an entrepreneur
  • The differences between the founder and non-founder entrepreneurs
  • More about DNA Behavior’s research into entrepreneurialism

DNA Behavior Mastering Entrepreneurial Talents


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