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Leverage Our Technology

Our purpose-driven software and behavioral experts work together to best meet your business needs.

Insights We Provide

Our app lets you toggle between insights most relevant to the employee or client experience.


Key behavioral insights can be integrated into your favorite web tools and custom applications.

Build Your Behavioral Expertise

Our behavioral experts can help you get the most out of our technology through training programs, customized workshops, and more.

Attend Events and Webinars

Register for one of our online events so you can get focused guidance on the practical uses of our platform and have your questions answered.

Understand the Science

Learn how we use the forced-choice scoring methodology to accurately predict a person's core personality traits and behavioral style.

Access Additional Resources

Reinforce your understanding of how BeSci Tech can create a life-changing shift in the way people think, make decisions, run their businesses, and relate to others.

Our Business & People

Get a little background on our business and take a peek at the behavioral style reports of our team members!

Let's Start the Conversation

Got questions? We're available by phone, email, or chat to discuss any of our behavioral solutions.


Hiring Performance Process Guide


Humans hire humans – that’s a given. Even using available tools, in the end, someone makes a decision. They choose a candidate. Sometimes it works, and often it doesn’t. That’s why a solid, robust behavioral-based hiring process attracts not only suitable candidates, but it ensures the hiring panel makes consistent, measurable decisions. Why? Because Hiring is expensive and getting it right builds trust with your existing teams. Through our Hiring Performance Process Guide you will be given a step-by-step walk through on executing a behaviorally-centered hiring process.


You will learn:

  • The importance of unpacking the Hiring Problem and building a structured hiring process
  • How to adopt a structured approach to the interviews
  • How to use the DNA Behavior talent assessment checklist
  • How to leverage a Decision-Making Digital Twin
  • How this approach builds successful teams

DNA Behavior Hiring


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